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The Real Deal About Customer Engagement for Middle East SMBs


June 26, 2024


Let's talk about something that's been on my mind lately: customer engagement. As someone who's worked and managed retention and martech for startups (Careem) and (SMBs) in the Middle East for years, I've seen firsthand how establishing the right strategy that is based on personalization and relevance can make a world of difference.

What's This Customer Engagement Thing Anyway?

It's that feeling you get when you walk into your local bakery, and your favorite cashier remembers your name and your favorite item? That's customer engagement in action. It's all about creating that personal connection with your customers, whether they're walking into your shop or clicking on your website.

Here in the Middle East, we've always known the value of personal relationships in business. It's part of our culture, right? Customer engagement is just about bringing that same energy to all the ways we interact with our customers nowadays.

Why Should You Care?

Look, I get it. You're busy keeping the lights on and making sure your team gets paid. But here's the thing: keeping your existing customers happy is way cheaper than finding new ones.

Think about your own experiences as a customer. When was the last time a business made you feel truly valued? I bet you're still buying from them, aren't you? That's what we're aiming for with our own customers.

The Challenges We're Up Against

Doing business in the Middle East comes with its own set of hurdles:

  • Language Juggling: We've got customers who speak Arabic, English, and sometimes both. How do we talk to all of them effectively?
  • Cultural Tightrope: What works in Dubai might fall flat in Riyadh. Our diversity is our strength, but it can be tricky to navigate in marketing.
  • Tech Whiplash: Feels like there's a new app or platform popping up every week, doesn't it? Keeping up can be exhausting.
  • Privacy Concerns: Our customers are (rightfully) worried about how we use their data. We need to respect that.

These aren't just abstract problems. They're real issues that affect how we connect with our customers every single day.

app user

Why Are We Losing Customers?

Okay, time for some real talk. Sometimes, it's our fault when customers drift away. Here's why:

  • We treat every customer the same way (we all like to feel special)
  • We drop the ball on customer service (guilty as charged, sometimes)
  • We go silent for ages, then bombard them with messages (yep, I've done this too)
  • We don't evolve with their changing needs (it's hard, but we gotta keep up)

The good news? We can fix these issues. It just takes a bit of effort and the right tools.

Marketing Automation: Don't Let the Fancy Name Fool You

In simple terms, it's using software to handle repetitive tasks so we can focus on the personal stuff that really matters. It's like having a super-efficient assistant who never sleeps. The tool these day go beyond just that, with little data you get to find what ticks your customers and when. It enables next level strategies that are entangled in relevance.

With the right setup, you can:

  1. Send personalized messages automatically and without an effort
  2. Keep in touch with potential customers without being that annoying guy at the souk
  3. Figure out what different groups of customers actually want (mind-reading, basically)
  4. Understand how customers interact with your business
  5. Stay in touch across different channels without losing your mind

So, What Can We Actually Do?

Based on what I've seen work for SMBs in our region (and my own trial and error), here are some tips:

  1. Get personal: Use what you know about your customers to make them feel special. If they always buy a certain product, give them a heads up when it's on sale. Or send them what other items they might like. To top that, you can predict automatically when are they naturally buy these product. Its always best to be relevant. Personalization can increase customer loyalty.

  2. Be where your customers are: Whether it's WhatsApp, Push, Social Media, or good old email, make sure you're engaging the right channels for you customer. Omnichannel engagement is key.

  3. Give before you take: Share useful info, entertaining content, or special deals. Make customers glad they're paying attention to you. Content marketing can be a powerful tool.

  4. Keep it real: Don't try to sound like a big corporation if you're not. Your authentic voice is your strength. Authenticity builds trust.

  5. Listen and adapt: Ask your customers what they think, and be ready to change things up based on what they say. Easy understanding of insights and continuous testing is your key. Customer feedback is gold.

Remember, every time a customer interacts with your business is a chance to strengthen your relationship with them. In a world where everyone's trying to sell something, being genuinely helpful and understanding can set you apart.

Let's Keep the Conversation Going

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Have you tried any of these strategies? What's worked for you? What's been a total disaster? Let's learn from each other and grow our businesses in a way that feels right for us and our customers.

Reach out to me directly. Let's build stronger businesses and happier customers, together.

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